This facility derives partial funding from the FCCC Cancer Center Support Grant (CCSG) from the National Cancer Institute.
New Inpatient Visitor Check-In Process Effective March 10. Learn more here.
New Inpatient Visitor Check-In Process Effective March 10. Learn more here.
Preparation of histological sections from tissues provided by investigators.
Preparation of OCT frozen block and histological cryosections from tissues provided by investigators.
H&E and other traditional histological techniques for microscopic evaluation of tissues and cells.
Detection of cancer-related proteins in tissue sections. Multiple immunohistochemistry (IHC) assays enable detection of multiple targets in one section.
Facility pathologists read slides and report on abnormalities found when requested.
Facility pathologists document microscopic findings when requested
Advanced computer-assisted image analyzers that permit morphometric and densitometric analysis of tissue components and IHC reactions.
Facility pathologists provide the morphology and IHC evaluation of Tissue microarray slide.
Capable of isolating Normal, Tumor, or Stroma components from either frozen and paraffin sections. Insure the pure cell populations for downstream DNA, RNA and proteomics analysis.
This facility derives partial funding from the FCCC Cancer Center Support Grant (CCSG) from the National Cancer Institute.