New Inpatient Visitor Check-In Process Effective March 10. Learn more here.
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Important Information and Policies
Vistiting Hours/Policies
General visiting hours are 9am to 9pm each day. However, to meet patient and visitor needs, these hours may be flexible with unit manager/supervisor approval.
- There is a limit of three visitors per patient in each room at any time. This helps to keep a restful and quiet atmosphere.
- Children 10 years or older may visit the medical/surgical units, but an adult must be with them at all times. Only one child at a time may be in a patient room. No children are allowed in the ICU or in rooms of patients who are in isolation. Children under 10 are not allowed without special permission.
- Visitors are not allowed if a patient or the patient’s caregiver states that they do not want visitors.
- The medical needs of other patients, such as roommates, may cause our staff to limit visitors to a room to maintain rest and privacy.
- Visitors are not allowed to use the patient bathrooms. Public bathrooms are located on each unit inside the hospital for visitors to wash their hands.
- To prevent contact with infections the patient may have, all visitors must follow all precautions posted on signs or told to them by the nursing staff. The nursing staff can offer more information about these special precautions and restrictions, and about wearing proper clothing when in patient rooms.
- Anyone who is sick or thinks they might be sick, should not visit the hospital. • Visitors are welcome to use the visitor lounges, Julie’s Room and Connie’s Room, located on the 1st and 2nd floors behind the Nursing Station on 1 Central and 2 North.
- Under certain circumstances, a visitor may stay in the hospital overnight. That visitor must be 18 years of age or older. Ask the nurse about rules for overnight visitor stays. If you are planning on staying overnight with your family member, please ask their nurse for the information sheet entitled, “Extended Visiting Privileges for Family Members of Patients Admitted to Fox Chase Cancer Center”.
- Minors are not allowed to stay overnight even if an adult visitor is also there.
- Visitors must wear appropriate clothing and shoes at all times.
- One visitor or caregiver may ask to go with a patient to certain procedures. This is decided on a case-by-case basis. Check with the department doing the test for details.
Hand Washing
Washing hands is a key part of infection prevention. You need to wash your hands after every use of the toilet, before eating, before and after you touch any tubes that you may have, and before you leave the hospital. Your visitors need to wash their hands before they come into your room and before they leave. Feel free to ask your nurse, nursing assistant or doctor if they washed their hands.
Alcohol-based hand gel is often used in place of hand washing. It can be found in dispensers in the hall or room entrance. Gel your hands before going into and leaving the room. If you cannot get to the sink or hand gel, we have hand wipes you can use.
Staying Safe and Preventing Falls
Always call for help by using your call light when you want to get out of bed or use the toilet. Inpatients are at high risk for falls, and our staff want to help you. Please call, don’t fall!
There are three types of rounding for patient care:
- Hand-off communication happens at the change of shift and occurs at the bedside. The nurse who is leaving will introduce you to the nurse starting a shift.
- Safety rounding happens about every hour. The staff check to see if you have any needs. You will be asked if you need to use the toilet, need pain medicine, or have other needs, like going for a walk or changing position.
- Interdisciplinary rounds are when different members of your care team come to your bedside to talk about your plan of care with you.
Quiet Hours
At Fox Chase, we believe that a quiet surrounding offers a healing environment. To cut down on noise and help you rest, we practice “quiet caring”. Quiet hours are from 1pm to 3pm and 9pm to 6am. We have “quiet kits” for you, which include headphones, sleep masks and ear plugs. If you or your family have any noise issues, please tell one of our staff right away so we can help. If you are watching TV, please use the headphones so your roommate is not disturbed.
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