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New Inpatient Visitor Check-In Process Effective March 10. Learn more here.
Palliative Care is centered on both patient and family. For persons with cancer and other serious illnesses, it’s focused on reducing the burden from pain and other distressing symptoms, while being mindful of patient and family needs, values, beliefs, and cultures.
Director, Supportive Oncology and Palliative Care
Palliative care is a fundamental component of cancer care and it can be integrated with cancer-directed care throughout the continuum of a person’s disease.
Specialty palliative care is appropriate at any age and at any stage of cancer when extra support is needed. Our team includes doctors certified in pain and palliative care; nurse practitioners; social workers; and specially trained nurses.
Matthew Farren, BSN, RN – PPCP Assistant Nurse Manager
Maria Klinger Gonzalez, RN, BSN, OCN, AMB-BC
Jacqueline Kelly, BSN, RN, OCN – PPCP Nurse
Leigh Kinczewski, MSN, AGNP-BC
Maria Market, BSN, RN, PCCN
Kathleen Murphy, MSN, AOCNP, ACHPN
Michael Noonan, DO MS
Kelly Snyder, BSN, RN, AMB-BC, OCN
Josephine Villalobos, CRNP
The supportive oncology care team can help with:
For most patients, your main treating doctor at Fox Chase (e.g., your oncologist, surgeon, or radiation oncologist) will coordinate palliative care; however, a patient or a family member may request a palliative care consultation by speaking with their treating physician, who will request Supportive Oncology and Palliative Care Program assistance as needed. Palliative care may be given during your inpatient hospital stay or on an outpatient basis.
Learn more about the Hospice and Palliative Medicine Fellowship