New Inpatient Visitor Check-In Process Effective March 10. Learn more here.
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Building Postdoc Leadership Skills
No one is a born leader, but everyone can develop the skills necessary to motivate others, set and execute goals, and model behavior for their peers. We think that the best method to build leadership skills is by DOING. Therefore, Academic Affairs encourages our trainees to get and stay involved throughout their training at Fox Chase Cancer Center by trying new things, and taking the time to learn about what they are good at and what they need to improve.

Identifying problems, communicating effectively and keeping everyone working toward agreed upon goals are attributes of successful leaders. To get our trainees ready to lead in their future careers, Academic Affairs provides opportunities for trainees to engage in leadership roles throughout the Center. One such example is our annual ethics training. Trainees are encouraged to select discussion topics ranging from the traditional, such as authorship questions, to issues affecting communication in culturally diverse research groups. Beyond leading discussions in established seminars series, trainees are encouraged create their own networking groups, journal clubs, and research groups to adapt to the ever changing landscape of science.

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