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- Rhoda Moise-career speaker
Rhoda Moise-career speaker
In 2019, Rhoda Moise earned her PhD in Prevention Science and Community Health from the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine in Miami, Florida. During her graduate studies, Dr. Moise applied quantitative, geospatial, and qualitative analyses to explore healthcare access and decision making of groups of African ancestry in St. Marc, Haiti and Miami, Florida. From these studies, she uncovered individual, interpersonal, and institution factors predicting and preventing access to cancer screening. To expand her expertise in integrating molecular science with epidemiology, Dr. Moise joined Dr. Camille Ragin’s research group at Fox Chase Cancer Center (FCCC) to study “Extending a Caribbean Cohort to Promote US-Caribbean Comparisons to Address Black Health Disparities” in Jamaica. This project focuses on building data and biological samples from a Jamaican cohort to prepare for comparative studies with a U.S. based cohort in Philadelphia which includes U.S. born Blacks as well as Caribbean and African immigrants.
In her current role as a Postdoctoral Associate at (FCCC) in Cancer Prevention and Control department, Dr. Moise studies health disparities associated with cervical cancer affecting African ancestry subgroups (i.e. African-American, Afro-Caribbean, and African). Of particular interest is understanding how the differing health beliefs, genetics, and behavior of these groups contributes to health inequity in the incidence and severity of cervical cancer from proteins to populations for health systems improvement. Her goal is to eliminate inequitable distribution of disease through prevention and control with innovative strategies to catalyze transformation of health systems with stakeholders including patients, providers, and payers at the intersection of science, health, and policy.
Beyond her role as scientist, Dr. Moise serves as a community healthcare advocate to raise awareness about the global inequities of healthcare access. In this role, she coordinates community events promoting wellness through art and healthy lifestyle practices and educating attendees about important preventative medicine including cancer screening. Dr. Moise also merges a passion for science and art through hosting and sharing healing workshops applying ecological theory to lifestyle practices (e.g. gardening, dance, yoga, and soccer) in diverse settings including the U.S. (Philadelphia, PA and Miami, FL) as well as abroad (Haiti and Rwanda).
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