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Tribute Giving: Tree of Life

Individuals often ask how they can celebrate a loved one with a meaningful gift to Fox Chase Cancer Center. The Tree of Life provides an opportunity to inscribe a permanent leaf in honor or memory of someone special.

The Tree of Life at Fox Chase is prominently displayed in the West Lobby, adjacent to the Outpatient Registration desk. Inscriptions on the leaves represent individuals who are honored or remembered with gifts totaling $1,000 or more through outright gifts, fundraising efforts, and other giving avenues. The leaves are made from brass, nickel and bronze. Newly inscribed leaves are installed quarterly. The stones along the base of the trees are reserved for estate gifts of $500,000 or more, honoring the life of the estate holder and representing the strength and stability that planned giving provides our Institution.
The Tree of Life has an important history at Fox Chase Cancer Center. Each year during the winter holidays, Fox Chase sends a Tree of Life mailing where individuals can return the paper leaf ornaments with the name of the person they’d like to pay tribute, or a message of strength and hope. Then, faculty, staff, patients, families and community members gather for the annual Tree of Life Event to decorate pine trees in the Center with the thousands of leaves we receive back.
For more information on this inspiring event or the tribute wall inspired by it, please contact Institutional Advancement at Fox Chase Cancer Center, 215-728-2745.
Who will you honor on the Tree of Life?
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