New Inpatient Visitor Check-In Process Effective March 10. Learn more here.
Giving FAQs
How do I make a gift to Fox Chase?
You can make your gift online by clicking here or by downloading and filling out this form and mailing your donation to the Institutional Advancement Department.
I would like to remember someone with my gift, how can I do this?
We are honored that you have chosen to continue your loved ones legacy with a philanthropic gift to Fox Chase Cancer Center. If making a gift online, there will be an option to fill out a memorial tribute. If mailing in a donation, please write your tribute (in memory of Jane Doe) on the memo line of the check, as well as including the information on your donation form.
I would like to pay tribute to someone (i.e. doctor/ nurse) with my gift, how can I do this?
If making a gift online, there will be an option to fill out an honor tribute. If mailing in a donation, please write your tribute (in honor of Jane Doe) on the memo line of the check, as well as including the information on your donation form.
There is a type of cancer that has special meaning to me, can I ensure my gift benefits efforts for that disease site?
Those interested in giving toward specific areas of cancer care and research (i.e. pancreatic cancer research, lung cancer care, etc.) should include information (using the check memo line, comment field for online gifts, or an included note) when making their gift. It is our privilege to ensure your donation goes to support a cause that is meaningful to you.
Where is my receipt for my gift?
A. Did you make your gift online? If so, your receipt was automatically generated and emailed to you. If you need a duplicate receipt, please contact us at 215-728-2745 and we will be happy to help.
B. All other gifts will receive a receipt by mail. Please know that certain times of year are more philanthropically saturated but our processing team works diligently to ensure we reply to every single gift made to Fox Chase with a receipt in a timely manner. If you have not received a receipt or cannot find your copy, please contact us at 215-728-2745 and we will be happy to help.
I want to make a donation but I can’t find Fox Chase Cancer Center’s information for my tax purposes. What is Fox Chase’s legal name and EIN number?
Fox Chase Cancer Center consists of two non-profit entities, the Institute for Cancer Research (ICR), benefitting scientific discovery, and the American Oncologic Hospital (AOH), benefitting clinical needs. Try searching for one or both of these names if Fox Chase Cancer Center cannot be found.
EIN number for ICR: 23-6296135
EIN number for AOH: 23-1352156
Where should I send gifts through the mail?
Checks should be made payable to Fox Chase Cancer Center and mailed to:
Fox Chase Cancer Center
Institutional Advancement
333 Cottman Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19111
What if I have another question about making a gift to Fox Chase?
Contact the Institutional Advancement office at 215-728-2745 with any additional questions you may have.
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