Corporate Engagement Opportunities

Engage with Fox Chase Cancer Center as a Corporate Partner 

Fox Chase Cancer Center invites corporate partners to connect with our community of faculty, patients, and caregivers through a variety of meaningful opportunities offered throughout the year. These include: 

  • Continuing Medical Education (CME) Exhibits: Showcase your organization at professional development events for medical practitioners.
  • Together Facing Cancer: Participate in patient-focused educational programs that provide valuable resources and support.
  • Cancer Survivor's Celebration: Celebrate resilience and survivorship with our community at a Phillies tailgate and game.
  • Paws for the Cause: Join our annual dog walk fundraiser that supports cancer research.
  • Signature Gala: Align your brand with excellence at our premier fundraising event.
  • Scientific Symposiums: Engage with cutting-edge research and innovation. 

For more details, download our Corporate Engagement Opportunities brochure.


Lisa Bailey  
Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations  
[email protected]