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- Yi Li
Yi Li, MD, MSC

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Clinical Locations
Fox Chase Cancer Center333 Cottman Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19111
Phone: 888-369-2427
Assistant Professor, Department of Diagnostic Imaging
- Nuclear Medicine ;
- Diagnostic Radiology
Language(s) Other than English
- Chinese - Mandarin
Educational Background
- Jul. 2001 – Jun 2004 Diagnostic Radiology Residency, Columbia University/College of Physicians and Surgeons
- Jul. 1999 – Jun. 2001 Nuclear Medicine Residency, Montefiore Medical Center/Albert Einstein Medical Center
- Jul. 1998 – Jun 1999 Internship- Internal Medicine Einstein/Jacobi Med. Center/Albert Eistein College
- Feb. 1993 – Jun. 1998 Research Fellow Dept of Nuclear Medicine Montefiore Medical Center/Albert Einstein Medical Center
- Sept. 1985 – Aug. 1988 Graduated Student, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Sun Yet-sen University School of Medicine, Guangzhou, China, Masters Degree in Medical Science (Nuclear Medicine Science)
Mar. 1978 – Dec. 1982 Faculty of Medicine, Guangzhou Medical University, Guangzhou, China, Bachelor of Medicine
- American Board of Nuclear Medicine
- American Board of Radiology - Diagnostic Radiology
- Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM)
- Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)
- American College of Nuclear Medicine (ACNM)
Honors & Awards
- First Place Award Winner of Poster Competition in the Educational Exhibits Track, titled “Pictorial illustration of patterns of lymphatic spread in abdominal and pelvic malignancies: recognizing the common and uncommon pathways” in the Society of Nuclear Medicine 2011 58th Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, June 6, 2011
- First Place Award Winner of Poster Competition, titled “Patterns of lymphatic spread from malignancies of the genital system on PET/CT” in the Great New York and New England Chapters of Society of Nuclear Medicine 25th annual northeast regional scientific meeting, Newport, Rhode Island, October 29, 2011
- Albert Einstein College of Medicine Nuclear Medicine Research Fellowship, 1993 –1998
- Honor Student Award, Guangzhou Medical University, China, 1982
Selected Publications
- Li Y, Hu P, Shi R, Zeng SQ, Lin ZT, Zhou LM, Hu YQ, Lin MT: The localizing evaluation of in intractable epilepsy with rCBF SPECT imaging, J Diagnostic Imaging and Interventional Radiology, 1992; 1(1):55.
- Chan P, Li Y, Zheng Z, Hu P, Sarbach SD, Gue D: Neurologic and histologic evaluation of Duxil on middile cerebral artery occlusion in cat. Eur J Pharmacol, 1993; 231(2):175.
- Roosendeld SS, Mountz JM, Li Y: Utility of TL-201 and Tc-99m SESTAMIBI SPECT for early determination of malignant brain tumor chemotherepy efficacy. J Nucl Med, 1993; 34(5) suppl: 206p. Poster presentation in SNM 40th annual meeting 1993.
- Li Y, Russell CD, Dubovsky EV: Quantitation of renal parenchymal retention of Tc-99m MAG3 in renal transplants. J Nucl Med, 1993; 34(5) Suppl:249p. Poster presentation in SNM 40th annual meeting 1993.
- Shi R, Liang H, Li Y: The diagnosis of renal vascular hypertension (RVH) using Captopril renal scintigraphy. In: Chen DCP, Tzen KY eds: Nuclear Medicine Update 1992; Yi Hsien Publishing Co. Ltd, 1993; p181.
- Li Y, Lee HB, Blaufox MD.: Comparison of Single-sample methods for Glumerular Filtration Rate (GFR), (oral presentation). J Nucl Med, 1994;35(5)Suppl:100p, Presented in SNM 41st annual meeting 1994.
- Li Y, Russell CD, Palmer-Lawrence J, Dubovsky EV: Quantitation of renal parenchymal retention of Tc-99m MAG3 in renal transplants. J Nucl Med, 1994; 35(5):846.
- Li Y, Blaufox MD: Effect of Captopril on renal mean transit time in patients with essential hypertension. Nucl Med Comm, 1995; 16(5):399.
- Russell CD, Li Y, Kahraman HN, Dubovsky EV: Renal clearance of Tc-99m MAG3: Noraml values. J Nucl Med, 1995; 16(5):399.
- Krynyckyi BR, Li Y, Ganeless A, Korupolu G, Saleemi K, Freeman LM: Patterns of metastatic prostate cancer as determined by In-111 CTY 365 (Prostascint) immunoscintigraphy. J Nucl Med, 1996; 37(5) suppl: 10p. Oral presentation in SNM 43rd annual meeting 1996.
- Yueh TC, Zeng SQ, Hu P, Wu KN, Shi R, Li Y: The Usefulness of Tc-99m MDP bone SPECT in the diagnosis of lumbar spinal lesions. J Nucl Med, 1996; 37(5) suppl: 127p. Poster presentation in SNM 43rd annual meeting 1996.
- Li Y, Lee HB, Blaufox MD.: Single-sample methods to measure GFR with technetium-99m-DTPA. J Nucl Med, 1997;38(8):1290-5.
- Blaufox MD, Fine EJ, Heller SH, Hurley J, Jagust M, Li Y, Mann S, Pickering T, Rackson M, Rottman GA, Sarkar S, Zanzonico P, Zhang CG: Captopril Renography in Hypertensive Patients with Diminished Renal Function: The Einstein/Cornell Collaborative Hypertension Study in, Radionuclides in Nephrourology, Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium Santa, Fe, NM, May, 1995, Taylor A, Nally JV, Thomsen H (Eds), Society of Nuclear Medicine, Reston VA, 1997, p. 72-76.
- Blaufox MD, Fine EJ, Heller SH, Hurley J, Jagust M, Li Y, Mann S, Pickering T, Rackson M, Rottman GA, Sarkar S, Zanzonico P, Zhang CG: Simultaneous OIH and DTPA Captopril Renography in Essential Hypertension: The Einstein/Cornell Collaborative Hypertension Study in, Radionuclides in Nephrourology, Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium, Santa Fe, NM, May, 1995, Taylor A, Nally JV, Thomsen H (Eds), Society of Nuclear Medicine, Reston VA, 1997, p. 77-81.
- Li Y, Blaufox MD, Fine E: Effect of Captopril on renal mean transit time in patients with essential hypertension. In: A Taylor, JV Nally, and H. Thomsen, eds. Radionuclides in Nephrourology. Society of Nuclear Medicine, INC, 1997; p82-87.
- Zuckier LS, Li Y, Chang CJ. Evaluation in a mouse model of a thyroid-blocking protocol for 131I antibody therapy (short communication). Cancer Biother Radiopharm, 1998 Dec;13(6):457-60.
- Blaufox MD, Fine EJ, Heller S, Hurley J, Jagust M, Li Y, Mann SJ, Pickering TG, Zanzonico P, Zhang CG.: Prospective study of simultaneous orthoiodohippurate and diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid captopril renography. The Einstein/Cornell Collaborative Hypertension Group. .J Nucl Med, 1998; 39(3):522-8.
- Fine EJ, Li Y, Blaufox MD: Parenchymal mean transit time analysis of 99mTc-DTPA captopril renography. J Nucl Med, 2000; 41(10):1627-31.
- Zhao DS, Valdivia A, Li Y, Blaufox: The role of PET with F-18 FDG in small cell lung cancer. J Nucl Med, 2001; 42(5) suppl: 75p, Poster presentation in SNM 48th annual meeting 2001.
- Li Y, Goodman ER, Saleemi, K, Chun KJ, Freeman LM: Evaluation of Roux-En Y gastric bypass surgical leak with radionuclide gastrointestinal study. J Nucl Med, 2001; 42(5) suppl: 86p. Oral presentation in SNM 48th annual meeting 2001.
- Zuckier LS, Dadachova Y, Li Y: Comparative biodistribution of Rhenate, pertechnetate and iodine in NIS-expressing and non-expressing tissue of mice. J Nucl Med, 2001; 42(5) suppl: 325p. Poster presentation in SNM 48th annual meeting 2001.
- Freeman LM, Krynyckyi BR, Li Y, Korupulu G, Saleemi K, Haseman MK, Kahn D: The role of In-111 Capromab Pendetide (Prosta-Scint) immunoscintigraphy in the management of prostate cancer. Q J Nucl Med, 2002 Jun; 46(2):131-7. Review.
- Zhao DS, Valdivia A, Li Y, Blaufox MD: 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography in small-cell lung cancer. Semin Nucl Med. 2002 Oct;32(4):272-5.
- Zuckier LS, Dohan O, Li Y, Chang CJ, Carrasco N, Dadachova E. : Kinetics of perrhenate uptake and comparative biodistribution of perrhenate, pertechnetate, and iodide by NaI symporter-expressing tissues in vivo. J Nucl Med. 2004 Mar;45(3):500-7.
- Yan AT, Coffey DM., Li Y, Chan WS, Shayne AJ., Luu TM., Skorstad RB., Khin MM., Brown KA, Lipton MJ, and Kwong RY: Myocardial Fibroma in Gorlin Syndrome by Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Circulation. 2006;114
- Zhang CG, Li Y, eds: Clinical Genitourinary Nuclear Medicine (Text book in Chinese), Beijing: Atomic Energy Press; 2006
- Hirschl DA, Li Y, Chun KJ, Freeman LM: Umbilical hernia simulating recurrent Carcinoid on Octreoscan. Clinical Nuclear Medicine 2010; 36(7): 595-596
- Li Y, Jaini S, Abraham T, Valdivia A; Milstein DM, Krynyckyi BR, Love C: Pictorial illustration of patterns of lymphatic spread in abdominal and pelvic malignancies: recognizing the common and uncommon pathways. Poster presentation in SNMMI 58th annual meeting 2011 (First Place Award Poster in the EDUCATIONAL EXHIBITS track poster); J Nucl Med. 2011; 52 (Supplement 1):1074
- Jaini S, Onyedika C, Glaser J, Khodadadian J, Li Y, Love C: Patterns of lymphatic spread from malignancies of the genital system on PET/CT. Poster presentation in Great New York and New England Chapters of Society of Nuclear Medicine 25th annual northeast regional scientific meeting, Newport, Rhode Island, Oct. 29, 2011 (First Place Award poster)
- Ma HY, Onyedika C, Travin MI, Valdivia A, Li Y, Love C: Twists and Turns in Nuclear Medicine Imaging. Poster presentation in Great New York and New England Chapters of Society of Nuclear Medicine 26th annual northeast regional scientific meeting, Stemford, Connecticut, Oct. 26, 2012
- Ma, HY, Onyedika C, Travin M, Valdivia A, Li Y, Love C: Twists and turns in nuclear medicine imaging. Clin Nucl Med, 38:297;2013
- Yi J, Li Y, Wang S, Quan Z, Wang J: F-18 FDG PET/CT of primary brain disease with MR and pathology correlation: An educational pictorial exhibit. Poster presentation in SNM 61st annual meeting 2014. J Nucl Med. 2014; 55 (Supplement 1):1264
- Blaufox MD, Li Y: The role of nuclear medicine in the evaluation of kidney disease. In: Buck AK, Krause BJ, Czernin J, Drzezga A, Schwaiger M, (eds): Nuclear Medicine, Heidelberg:Springer-Verlag, (In press)
- Ji A, Jigang Yang J, Li Y: Added value of SPECT/CT for the evaluation of obstructive uropathy. Oral presentation in SNMMI 65th annual meeting 2018. J Nucl Med, 2018;59;suppl #376
- Blaufox MD, De Palma D, Taylor A, Szabo Z, Prigent A, Samal M, Li Y, Santos A, Testanera G, Tulchinsky M: The SNMMI and EANM practice guideline for renal scintigraphy in adults. Eur J of Nucl Med Mol Imaging 45(12):2218-2228; 2018 Nov
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