Welcome to the new Talbot Research Library website. Click Here to visit the older Talbot Library site.
New Inpatient Visitor Check-In Process Effective March 10. Learn more here.
New Inpatient Visitor Check-In Process Effective March 10. Learn more here.
Talbot Research Library and Media Services
Talbot Research Library & Media Services is a centralized facility serving the information and media needs of the employees of Fox Chase Cancer Center and Temple University Hospital – Jeanes Campus. Talbot’s mission is to provide knowledge-based information resources and services that support research, education, discovery, patient care, and cancer prevention. Talbot strives to support Fox Chase Cancer Center’s overall mission to “prevail over cancer, marshaling heart and mind in bold scientific discovery, pioneering prevention, and compassionate care”.
Talbot Research Library is located on the third floor of Fox Chase Cancer Center’s Reimann Building, Room 224. The library is staffed on Monday to Friday from 8:45 AM to 5:00 PM.
The library is equipped with electronic doors that lock automatically outside of business hours. FCCC staff may access the library when it is unstaffed by swiping ID card on the card reader outside the library doors. Volunteers may use the library after hours if the Principal Investigator contacts the Director of Library Services and requests after-hours access. Access is discontinued when the user stops as a volunteer.
Visitors, patients, and patients' families are welcome to use the library during business hours. Minors (under 18 yrs) must be accompanied by an adult at all times while in the library. All visitors, except FCCC employees, must sign the register at the Reference Desk.
Training and Demos
Librarians will provide virtual training via zoom. Please contact Beth Lewis or send a request to [email protected] for training on any of our resources and we will set up a zoom meeting at a mutually convenient time.
Public Computers
We have covered some computers to promote social distancing; please do not remove the covers and please do not use the covered machines.
We will provide cleaner to sanitize the keyboard and mouse. Please clean the computer keyboard and mouse before and after each use. A hand sanitizer dispenser is attached to the wall in the Public PC area for your use.
Please use the phone in that area to contact PC Support instead of having the librarians assist with PC problems. The phone will have to be wiped down as well.
Library Furniture and Seating Areas
Some chairs have been removed at the tables and carrel areas.
The lounge chairs have been moved to promote social distancing. We kindly request that the furniture not be moved until the pandemic is over.
Leisure reading and the newspaper have been removed until the pandemic is over.
We provide a wide range of services including:
- Answering questions
- Providing customized literature searches
- Setting up Alerts to keep you current with the latest research
- Providing you with literature outside of Talbot’s collection – articles, books, patents, theses, etc.
- Instruction on using our resources, databases, and software.
- Constructing Guides to help you navigate through the literature and electronic resources.
- Download our quick-reference brochure
The Library's online catalog (Koha) is available on the library's PCs as well as at the desktops of all Fox Chase employees. Search by keyword, author, or title, to locate books or journals. Journal issues checked into the Library are also reflected in the online catalog. Links are provided for access to online subscriptions as well.
The Library subscribes to a number of web-based journals. Access is provided through the Library's web page under the Find Journals tab and via our online catalog, Koha.
The Library subscribes to a variety of online resources, including UpToDate, Web of Science (which includes Journal Citation Reports), and Cinahl.
Several networked PC's and Macs are available for patron use adjacent to the Reference Section.
Search the online catalog to learn more out our print books and journal holdings.
If you would like to recommend a book or journal for the Library's collection, please submit the Library Purchase Recommendation Form or email the library your recommendation.
Major subjects covered by the Library's collections include neoplasia, immunology, genetics, biochemistry, and molecular biology.
Includes current medical and nursing textbooks, laboratory manuals, handbooks, dictionaries, and directories.
The Library houses approximately 18,000 bound journal volumes and currently subscribes to approximately 500 journals. The majority of the library’s current journals are available online. A current holdings list can be found under the Find Journals tab on the library website.
Print journals are arranged on shelves alphabetically by title. Current issues are located on the periodical display shelves in the library reading room.
The Library owns approximately 5,000 books that are cataloged by call number and shelved in the stacks. Search the print collection through Koha, the Library's online catalog.
The Audiovisual Room is located directly across the hall from the Library. Audiovisual equipment is available to use. Contact the library for access via email at [email protected] or phone at (215) 728-2711.
Beth A. Lewis, MLS
Director of Library Services & Archives
Phone: (215) 728-2711
Email: [email protected]
Andrea Tomlinson, MLIS
Senior Librarian
Phone: (215) 728-2710
Email: [email protected]
Welcome to the new Talbot Research Library website. Click Here to visit the older Talbot Library site.