If you have medical questions while you are at home, please call 215-728-4300 during weekdays (Monday–Friday, 8:30am–5pm). You may talk to someone live, or your call will go to voice mail. Please leave a message with your name, medical record number, date of birth and the reason for your call. A nurse will call you back on the same day. Be sure to tell us the best phone number to reach you.
If you have registered for a myTempleHealth account (formerly myFoxChase), you can contact your health care team using our secure messaging system.
For an urgent problem after work hours or on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday, please call 215-728-6900. The operator will connect your call.
Fox Chase offers telehealth appointments through video and phone consultations. These options may be available for new patients seeking a treatment plan or a second opinion, as well as existing patients.