Lauren A. Rosenberg, PhD

Lauren Rosenberg, PhD


  • Psychiatry

Treatment Philosophy

The field of oncology and cancer therapeutics is growing and changing at an immensely fast pace, creating new, promising opportunities for our patients every day.  I am fortunate to specialize in the treatment of patients with breast cancer and classical hematologic conditions at Fox Chase. I find the greatest joy in working to help patients understand their unique diagnoses and options to personalize a care plan that fits them best. I believe providing excellent care requires great communication between the medical team, the patient, and their loved ones, and I work to prioritize this in my practice.

Cancer care is delicate and complex and I feel privileged to be a part of the team at Fox Chase focused on achieving the best possible outcome for each patient we see. 

Clinical Locations

  • Fox Chase Cancer Center
    333 Cottman Avenue
    Philadelphia, PA 19111
    Phone: 888-369-2427

Educational Background

  • June 2021-September 2022 - Clinical Health Psychology Postdoctoral Resident, VA Connecticut Healthcare System - West Haven
  • September 2016-June 2021 - Ph.D., Clinical Psychology (Health Emphasis), APA Accredited, FerkaufGraduate School of Psychology, Yeshiva University, Bronx, New York 
  • January 2019 - M.A., Psychology, FerkaufGraduate School of Psychology, Yeshiva University, Bronx, New York 
  • May 2013 - B.S., magna cum laude, Psychology Major with Human Development Minor, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland


  • American Psychological Association (APA), Student Member Member, Division of Health Psychology (38)
  • Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM), Student Member
  • New York State Psychological Association (NYSPA), Student Member New Jersey State Psychological Association (NJSPA), Student Member Phi Beta Kappa, National Honor Society, Member
  • Phi Kappa Phi, National Honor Society, Member

Selected Publications

  • Seng EK, Conway AB, Grinberg AS, Patel ZS, Marzouk M, Rosenberg L, Metts C, Day MA, Mineo MT, Buse DC, Lipton RB. Response to Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy differs between chronic and episodic migraine. Neurol Clin Pract 2021; 11(3): 194-205.
  • Wells, R. E., Seng, E. K., Edwards, R. R., Victorson, D. E., Pierce, C.R., Rosenberg, L., Napadow, V., & Schuman-Oliver, Z. (2020). Mindfulness in migraine: A narrative review. Expert review of neurotherapeutics, 20(3), 207-225.
  • Seng, E., Rosenberg, L., & Marzouk, M. (2019). Psychiatric symptom improvements with preventive migraine treatment: Secondary analysis of a randomized clinical trial. Manuscript revised and resubmitted for publication.
  • Seng, E. K., Singer, A. B., Metts, C., Grinberg, A. S., Patel, Z. S., Marzouk, M., Rosenberg, L., Day, M., Mineo, M. T., Lipton, R. B., & Buse, D. C. (2019). Does mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for migraine reduce migraine-related disability in people with episodic and chronic migraine? A  phase 2b pilot randomized clinical trial. Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain, 59(9), 1448-1467. doi:10.1111/head.13657
  • Seng, E. K., Singer, A. B., Metts, C., Grinberg, A. S., Patel, Z. S., Marzouk, M., Rosenberg, L., Day, M., Mineo, M. T., Lipton, R. B., & Buse, D. C. (2019, July). Does Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Migraine Reduce Migraine-Related Disability? Results from a Phase 2b Pilot Randomized Clinical Trial. Presented by Elizabeth Seng, Ph.D. for the Early Career Award Lecture at the 61st Annual Scientific Meeting American Headache Society. Philadelphia, PA.
  • Seng, E. K., Singer, A., Metts, C., Grinberg, A. S., Patel, Z., Marzouk, M., Rosenberg, L., Day, M., Mineo, M., Buse, D., & Lipton, R. B. (2019). Response to mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for migraine in chronic and episodic migraine: Planned secondary analyses of a randomized clinical trial. Headache, 59(1).
  • Rosenberg, L. & Seng, E. K. (2019). The use of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) for migraine for the treatment of depressive symptoms in people with migraine: Secondary analysis results from a Phase 2b pilot randomized clinical trial. Headache, 59(1).
  • Rosenberg, L., Fidelman, J., & Seng, E. K. (2019). Relationship between mindfulness and migraine­ related outcomes. Ann Behave Med, 53(Sl): s798.
  • Rosenberg, L., Butler, N., & Seng, E. K. (2018). Health behaviors in episodic migraine: Why behavior change matters. Current pain and headache reports, 22(10), 65.
  • Rosenberg, L, Korn, T. G., & Seng, E. K. (2018). Associations between mindfulness, depression, and anxiety symptoms in people with migraine. Ann Behav Med, 52(S 1): s330.
  • Rosenberg, L., Hamilton, K., & Armand, C. (2018, March). Mindfulness meditation in migraine. Presentation as part of holistic health in migraine lecture series at the Montefiore Headache Center, Bronx, NY.
  • Collado-Rodriguez, A., MacPherson, L., Kurdziel, G., Rosenberg, L.A., & Lejuez, C. W. (2014). The relationship between puberty and risk taking in the real world and in the laboratory. Personality and Individual Differences, 68, 143-148.
  • Hill, C. E., Bowers, G., Costello, A., England, J., Houston-Ludlam, A., Knowlton, G., May, M., Moraff, E., Pinto-Coelho, K., Rosenberg, L., Sauber, E., Crook-Lyon, R. E., & Thompson, B. J. (2013). What's it all about? A qualitative study of undergraduate students' beliefs about meaning oflife. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 53(3), 386-414.
  • Rosenberg, L. (2013, April). The relationship between pubertal development and risk taking on a laboratory analogue. Senior honors thesis presentation at the University of Maryland, College Park.
  • Hill, C. E., Bowers, G., Costello, A., England, J., Houston-Ludlam, A., Knowlton, G., May, M., Moraff, E., Pinto-Coelho, K., Rosenberg, L., Sauber, E., Crook-Lyon, R. E., & Thompson, B. J. (2012, May). What's it all about? A qualitative study of undergraduate students'  beliefs about meaning of life. Poster session presented at the annual Department of Psychology Undergraduate Research Fair, College Park, MD.

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