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Associate Professor, Urology/ Urologic Oncology, Fox Chase Cancer Center
Overactive bladder, Urinary incontinence, Neurogenic bladder, Neuromodulation, Pelvic organ prolapse, Female urethral stricture, Female urethral diverticulum, Fistula Urinary diversion, Bladder augmentation, Robotic surgery, Female pelvic medicine, Refractory urinary incontinence, Complex voiding dysfunction, Video urodynamics, Robotic female urology procedures
I am a urologist specializing in the medical, procedural, and surgical management of urinary symptoms in men and women including urinary leakage and difficulty urinating, female urethral disorders, pelvic organ prolapse, and bladder dysfunction caused by a neurologic condition, injury, or cancer treatment.
The conditions I treat can have a profound impact on quality of life and may lead to physical and emotional discomfort and social isolation. I recognize my patients’ need for approachable, comforting, and compassionate care that will allow them to navigate their symptoms and treatment options. Together, we develop an individualized diagnostic and treatment plan that focuses on understanding why symptoms are present and how we can best manage them.
When procedures or surgery are necessary, my extensive fellowship training and operative experience in traditional open and minimally-invasive/robotic surgery, vaginal surgery, and advanced approaches to neuromodulation allow me to meet my patients’ needs. However, many conditions that my patients experience can be managed effectively without surgery. Dietary recommendations, physical therapy, medications, or office-based procedures that require only local anesthesia may be considered as part of a multi-faceted treatment plan.
My research interests are in reducing the burden of care for patients. Specific projects include: utilizing smart phone-based home symptom assessment, improving access to recommended testing and treatments, and evaluating the benefits of minimally-invasive approaches to bladder removal, bladder augmentation, and urinary tract reconstruction.
It is a privilege to care for our patients at Fox Chase, where we hope our collaborative and compassionate approach leads to optimal patient outcomes.
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