
GMaP Region 4 Implementation Webinar Series

Implementation Webinar II Part 1 and 2 July 2021 Featuring:

  • Robert Schnoll, PhD
  • Sanja Percac-Lima, MD, DMD, PhD​

Other GMaP Webinars

Region 1 North

Region 3 Webinars

The NIH Review Process and Writing Your Specific Aims

  • Naomi Nishi, PhD

Community Based Participatory Research

  • Nina Wallerstein, PhD


K awards provide support for senior postdoctoral fellows or faculty-level candidates. K awards are designed to promote the career development of specific groups of individuals based on their past training and career stage. The objective of these programs is to bring candidates to the point where they are able to conduct their research independently and are competitive for major grant support.

Thanks to University of Colorado, Denver and Naomi Nishi, Associate Director for Educational Outreach, for the following videos covering how to plan, apply and implement K-awards: