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Implementation Science
Implementation Webinar I
Slides from June 29th's Implementation Webinar, HERE.
For More Information on Implementation Science, Visit the NCI's Implementation Science Site HERE.
The webinar featured the following scholars:
Linda Fleisher, PhD, MPP
Associate Research Professor, Fox Chase Cancer Center Research Institute, Health Communications and Heath Disparities
GMaP Region 4 Co-Director
Dr. Fleisher welcomed webinar attendees, delivered background on GMaP and CHCRD and introduced the GMaP Region 4 team and guest speakers.
Gila Neta, PhD, MPP
Program Officer, National Cancer Institute, Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences
Dr. Neta discussed exclusively the funding opportunities available at the NCI. She also provided viewers with an extensive background of implementation science and how implementation science can be utilized to reduce cancer health disparities.
Rachel Shelton, ScD, MPH
Associate Professor, Columbia University, Mailman School of Public Health, Department of Sociomedical Sciences
Associate Director of Community Engagement Core Resource, Columbia's Irving Institute for Clinical and Translational Research
Associate Director of Research, Lerner Center for Health Promotion
Dr. Shelton provided more information about implementation science specifically within institutions and in scientific practice. She gave insight to her experience as an implementation researcher and advice on best practices.
Shawna Hudson, PhD
Professor and Research Division Chief, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
Director, Center of Advancing Research and Evaluation or Patient-Centered Care (CARE_PC), Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
Co-Director of Community Engagement, NJ Alliance for Clinical and Translational Science (NJ ACTS)
Dr. Shawna Hudson discussed her experience as an implementation science reviewer and also provided the audience with helpful tips and advice based on her experience working in implementation science.
Implementation Webinar II
Part 1:
The webinar featured the following scholar:
Robert Schnoll, PhD
Professor and Director, Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Nicotine Addiction, Department of Psychiatry
Associate Director for Population Science, Abramson Cancer Center
Senior Fellow, Center for Public Health Initiatives
Perelman School of Medicine
Dr. Schnoll provides background, principles, and strategies of implementation science research. He discusses his own research by providing an overview of “Using Personalized Treatment as an Implementation Strategy to Increase the Use of treatments for Nicotine Dependence?” He concludes his presentation by providing some keys to progression and transition in the field of implementation science.
Part 2:
The webinar featured the following scholar:
Sanja Percac-Lima, MD, DMD, PhD
Associate Professor, Medicine, Harvard Medical School
Physician, Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital
Physician Leader for Cancer Outreach Programs
Dr. Percac-Lima provides an overview of her research path taking a successful clinical patient navigation program in a community based hospital setting and using implementation science to expand that program via various mechanisms (K, R01, other RFPs).
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