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- Enrique Hernandez
Enrique Hernandez, MD

J. Robert Willson Professor and Chair, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, Lewis Katz School of Medicine, Temple University
Professor, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Lewis Katz School of Medicine, Temple University
Research Program
Educational Background
- Fellowship, Gynecologic Oncology, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD, 1983
- Residency, OB-GYN, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD, 1981
- Internship, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD, 1978
- MD, University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine, San Juan, PR, 1977
- Undergraduate degree, University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, PR, 1973
- Regent, Board of Regents, American College of Surgeons
- Member, Board of Directors, College of Physicians of Philadelphia
- Member, Board of Directors, American Cancer Society, Philadelphia Area
- Past Board Member, National Board of Directors, American Cancer Society
- Past Board Member, American Cancer Society, East Central Division
- Past Trustee, Board of Trustees, Pennsylvania Medical Society
- Past Second Vice-President, American Cancer Society
- Past President, Philadelphia County Medical Society
- Past President, Mid-Atlantic Gynecologic Oncology Society
- Past President, Obstetrical Society of Philadelphia
- Past President, Metropolitan Philadelphia Chapter, American College of Surgeons
- Past President, Society of Ibero-American Medical Professionals
- Past President, American Cancer Society, Pennsylvania Division
- Past Board Member, American Cancer Society, Pennsylvania Division
- Past Governor, American College of Surgeons
- Past Chair, By-Laws Committee, Society of Gynecologic Oncologists
Honors & Awards
- CRISTOL AWARD of the Philadelphia County Medical Society
- Top Doctors, Gynecologic Oncology, Philadelphia magazine, 1991-2020
- Citizen of the Year Award, Concilio (Council of Spanish speaking Organizations of Philadelphia), 2015
- Top Doctors, Philadelphia Life/Suburban Life, 2015
- Best Doctors for Women, Philadelphia Life Magazine, July 2013
- Named Among the Most Influential Latinos in the Delaware Valley, 2012
- St. George National American Cancer Society Award in Recognition of Distinguished Service in Achieving the Society's Strategic Goals, 2011
- U.S. News & World Report Best Doctors, 2011, 2012
- Best Doctors in America®, Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2011-2012, 2013, 2015-2016, 2017-2018, 2019-2020
- Top Doctors, Delaware Valley Consumer's Checkbook, 2015
- Consumers' Guide to Top Doctors, 2009
- Guide to America's Top Oncologists, Consumers' Research Council of America, 2009, 2012
- Delaware Valley Top Doctors, Consumers' Checkbook Magazine (as chosen by their peers), 2007
- Guide to America's Top Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Consumer's Research Council of America, 2006
- Guide to America's Top Physicians, Consumer's Research Council of America, 2005
- Honorary Professor, Mexican College of Colposcopy and Lower Genital Tract Pathology, 2004
- Nominee, American Association of Medical Colleges Humanism in Medicine Award, 2001
- National Award for Excellence in Teaching, Council on Resident Education in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Temple University Hospital, 2001
- Who's Who in America, 2000-2005, 2012, 2013, 2015
- Volunteer Achievement Award, American Cancer Society Pennsylvania Division-Southeast Region, 2000
- Top Doctors for Women, Philadelphia magazine, 2000
- Crusaders Ball Honoree for Service to the Society, American Cancer Society, 1999
- Excellence in Teaching Award, Association of Professors of Gynecology & Obstetrics, 1998
- Listed in Good Housekeeping as One of the 401 Best Physicians for Women in the United States, 1997
- National Award for Excellence in Teaching, Council on Resident Education in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Medical College of Pennsylvania, 1994
- Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society, 1976
- Beta Beta Beta Biological Honor Society, 1971
Research Interests
- Clinical trials on gynecologic malignancies
- Evaluation and management of abnormal PAP smears
- Cervical cancer and its precursors
Selected Publications
Hernandez E. Endometrial carcinoma (chapter 45) In: Beiber E, Sanfilippo J, Horowitz I (eds). Clinical Gynecology, Churchill Livingstone (Elsevier), 2006, 665-675.
Hernandez E, Atkinson B (eds). Clinical Gynecologic Pathology (Chinese translation), Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders, 1998.
Spence MR, Hernandez E. Benign conditions of the vagina and cervix. In: Hernandez E, Atkinson BF (eds), Clinical Gynecologic Pathology. Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders, 1995, 91-128.
Heller PB, Hernandez E, Atkinson BF. Malignant neoplasms of the cervix and vagina. In: Hernandez E, Atkinson BF (eds), Clinical Gynecologic Pathology. Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders, 1995, 175-222.
Balsara G, Hernandez E. The ovary: normal, physiologic changes, endometriosis, and metastatic tumors. In: Hernandez E, Atkinson BF (eds), Clinical Gynecologic Pathology. Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders, 1995, 403-422.
Trimble CL, Trimble EL, Hernandez E. Tumors of the ovarian stroma. In: Hernandez E, Atkinson BF (eds), Clinical Gynecologic Pathology. Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders, 1995, 501-526.
Hernandez E, Balsara G. Gestational trophoblastic disease. In: Hernandez E, Atkinson BF (eds), Clinical Gynecologic Pathology. Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders, 1995, 527-552.
Hernandez E, Rosenshein NB. Manual of Gynecologic Oncology, New York, Churchill Livingstone, 1989.
Rosenshein NB, Hernandez E, Rosenblatt K. Risk factors for ovarian cancer. In: Gold E (ed), Changing Risks for Disease in Women: An Epidemiologic Approach. Lexington, DC Heath and Co, 1984, pp 221-231.
Manne S, Kashy D, Rubin S, Hernandez E, Bergman C. Therapist and patient perceptions of alliance and progress in psychological therapy for women diagnosed with gynecological cancers. J Consulting Clin Psychol 2012;80:800-810.
Uppal S, Hernandez E, Dutta M, Dandolu V, Rose SL, Hartenbach E. Prolonged postoperative venous thromboembolism prophylaxis is cost-effective in advanced ovarian cancer patients. Gynecol Oncol 2012;127:631-637.
Manne S, Winkel G, Zaider T, Rubin S, Hernandez E, Bergman C. Therapy processes and outcomes of psychological interventions for women diagnosed with gynecological cancers: a test of the generic process model of psychotherapy. J Consulting Clin Psychol 2010;78:236-248.
Manne S, Rini C, Rubin S, Rosenblum N, Bergman C, Edelson M, Hernandez E, Carlson J, Rocereto T. Long-term trajectories of psychological adaptation among women diagnosed with gynecological cancers. Psychosomatic Med 2008;70:677-687.
Manne S, Winkel G, Rubin S, Edelson M, Rosenblum N, Bergman C, Hernandez E, Carlson J, Rocetero T. Mediators of a coping and communication-enhancing intervention and a supportive counseling among women diagnosed with gynecological cancers. J Consulting and Clin Psychol 2008;76:1034-1045.
Manne S, Rubin S, Edelson M, Rosenblum N, Bergman C. Hernandez E, Carlson J, Rocereto T, Winkel G. Coping and communication enhancing intervention versus supportive counseling for women diagnosed with gynecological cancers. J Consulting and Clin Psychol 2007;75:615-28.
Zhang Z, Borecki I, Nguyen L, MaD, Smith K, Huettner PC, Muthc D, Hezog TJ, Gibb RK, Powell MA, Grigsby PW, Massad LS, Hernandez E, Judson PL, Swisher Em, Crowder S, Li J, Gerhard DS, Rader JS. CD83 gene polymorphism increase susceptibility to human invasive cervical cancer. Cancer Res 2007;67:11202-11208.
Dandolu V, Harmanli OH, Grotegut C, Turner T, Hernandez E, Grody MT. Long-term anatomic and functional outcome following sacrospinous fixation using comprehensive pelvic floor questionnaires. J Pelvic Med Surg 2007;13:177-180.
Harmanli O, Bevilacqua SA, Dandolu V, Chatwani AJ, Hernandez E: Adenomyosis interferes with accurate ultrasonographic detection of uterine leiomyomas. Arch Gynecol Obstet 2005:273:146-149.
Norton TR, Manne SL, Rubin S, Hernandez E, Carlson J, Bergman C, Rosenblum N, Ovarian cancer patients' psychological distress: The role of physical impairment, unsupportive family and friend behaviors, perceived control, and self-esteem. Health Psychology 24:(143-152)2005.
Norton TR, Manne SL, Rubin S, Carlson J, Hernandez E, Edelson MI, Rosenblum N, Warshal D, Bergman C, Prevalence and predictors of psychological distress among women with ovarian cancer. J Clin Oncol 22:(919-926)2004.
Hernandez E, Donohue KA, Anderson LL, Heller PB, Stehman FB, The significance of thrombocytosis in patients with advanced cervical carcinoma: A Gynecologic Oncology Group study. Gynecol Oncol 78:(137-142)2000.
Cheng RF, Hernandez E, Anderson L, Heller P, Shank R, The clinical significance of a cytologic diagnosis of atypical glandular cells of undetermined significance. J Reprod Med 44:(922-928)1999.
Corn BF, Micaily B, Dunton CJ, Valicenti RK, Anderson L, Hernandez E, Concomitant irradiation and dose-escalating carboplatin for locally advanced carcinoma of the uterine cervix: An updated report. Am J Clin Oncol 21:(31-35)1998.
Simmons JR, Anderson L, Hernandez E, Heller PB, Loop electrosurgical excision procedure as an alternative to cold-knife conization in the evacuation of cervical neoplasia. J Repro Med 43:(1007-1010)1998.
Eisenberger D, Hernandez E, Tener T, Atkinson B, Order of endocervical and ectocervical cytologic sampling and the quality of the Papanicolaou Smear. Obstet Gynecol 90:(755-758)1997.
Miller SM, Siejak KK, Schoeder CM, Lerman C, Hernandez E, Helm CW, Enhancing adherence following abnormal Pap smears among low-income minority women: A preventive telephone counseling strategy. J Natl Cancer Inst 89:(703-708)1997.
Corn BW, Shaktman BD, Lanciano RM, Hogan WM, Carter JR, Anderson L, Heller PB, Hernandez E,: Intra- and perioperative complications associated with tandem and ovoid colpostat application of cervix cancer. Gynecol Oncol 64:(224-229)1997.
Corn BW, Hernandez E, Anderson L, Fein DA, Dunton CJ, Heller P, Phase I study of concomitant irradiation and Carboplatin for locally advanced carcinoma of the uterine cervix. An interim report. Am J Clin Oncol 19:(317-321)1996.
Smith-Levitin M, Hernandez E, Anderson L, Heller P, The safety, efficacy, and cost of three cervical cytology sampling devices in a prenatal clinic. J Repro Med 41:(749-753)1996.
Gonzalez D, Hernandez E, Anderson L, Heller P, Atkinson BF, Clinical significance of a cervical cytologic diagnosis of atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance favor reactive process or low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion. J Repro Med 41:(719-723)1996.
Hernandez E, Heller PB, Whitney C, Diana K, Delgado G, Thrombocytosis in surgically treated Stage I-B squamous cell cervical carcinoma. Gynecol Oncol 55:(328-332)1994.
Nathan F, Hernandez E, Dunton CJ, Treat J, Switaliska HI, Joseph RR, Tuszynski GP, Plasma thrombospondin levels in patients with gynecologic malignancies. Cancer 73:(2853-2858)1994.
Harrison DD, Hernandez E, Dunton CJ, A cost comparison of endocervical brush versus cotton swab for obtaining cervical smears in a clinic setting. J Reprod Med 38:(285-288)1993.
Zangwill BC, Balsara G, Dunton C, Varello M, Rebane BA, Hernandez E, Atkinson B, Ovarian adenocarcinoma heterogeneity as demonstrated by DNA ploidy. Cancer 71:(2261-2267)1993.
Hernandez E, Lavine M, Dunton CJ, Gracely E, Parker J, Poor prognosis associated with thrombocytosis in patients with cervical cancer. Cancer 69:(2975-2977)1992.
Dunton CJ, Balsara G, McFarland M, Hernandez E, Uterine papillary serous carcinoma: A review. Obstet Gynecol Surv 46:(97-102)1991.
Ramirez EJ, Hernandez E, Miyazawa K, Cervical conization findings in women with dysplastic cervical cytology and normal colposcopy. J Reprod Med 35:(359-361)1990. (Abstracted in 1991 Yearbook of Obstetrics and Gynecology)
Andrews S, Hernandez E, Miyazawa K, Paired Papanicolaou smears in the evaluation of atypical squamous cells. Obstet Gynecol 73:(747)l989.
Ridgley R, Hernandez E, Cruz C, Miyazawa K, Abnormal Papanicolaou smears following previous cytology of atypical squamous cells. J Reprod Med 33:(285-288)1988.
Presley JJ, Hernandez E, Mudafort E, Miyazawa K, Endometrial and endocervical curettage at the time of cervical conization. J Reprod Med 32:(99-l02)l987.
Davis G, Hernandez E, Davis J, Miyazawa K, Atypical squamous cells in Papanicolaou smears. Obstet Gynecol 69:(43-46)l987.
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