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This Fox Chase professor participates in the Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship.
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Research Professor
Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Facility
Member, Molecular Therapeutics
I am an Associate Research Professor and Biostatistician at the Fox Chase Cancer Center. I have had papers published in both the methodological literature (e.g. Journal of the American Statistical Association, Biometrics) and the substantive literature (e.g. New England Journal of Medicine). I am actively involved in a number of behavioral clinical trials, and have experience accounting for missing data in such a context. I am specifically trained in the statistical field of causal inference, and many of my publications are related to methods for the analysis of observational data when confounding by comorbidities or other variables is of concern. I am also involved in pre-clinical biomarker validation and therapeutic research. More recently, I have been investigating the statistical properties of natural language processing algorithms. The mix of research projects allows me to engage in a broad spectrum of cancer and health services research.
Egleston BL. Comment on Imai K, Tingley D, Yamamoto T. Experimental designs for identifying causal mechanisms. J. R. Statist. Soc. A 2013; 176(1):35-36.
Egleston BL, Miller SM, Meropol NJ. The impact of misclassification due to survey response fatigue on estimation and identifiability of treatment effects. Statistics in Medicine 2011. 30(30):3560-72. PMID: 21953305 PubMed
Egleston BL, Cropsey KL, Lazev AB, Heckman CJ. Tutorial on principal stratification-based sensitivity analysis: Application to smoking cessation studies. Clinical Trials. 2010;7(3):286-98. PMID: 20423924 PubMed
Egleston BL, Chandler DW, Dorgan JF. Validity of estimating non-SHBG bound testosterone and estradiol from total hormone measurements in boys and girls. Annals of Clinical Biochemistry. 2010;47(Pt 3):233-41. PMID: 20406780 PubMed
Egleston BL, Dunbrack RL Jr, Hall MJ. Clinical trials that explicitly exclude gay and lesbian patients. New England Journal of Medicine. 2010;362(11):1054-5. PMID: 20237357 PubMed
Egleston BL, Scharfstein DO, MacKenzie E. On estimation of the survivor average causal effect in observational studies when important confounders are missing due to death. Biometrics. 2009;65(2):497-504. PMID: 18759833 PubMed
Egleston BL, Wong YN. Sensitivity analysis to investigate the impact of a missing covariate on survival analyses using cancer registry data. Stat Med. 2009;28(10):1498-511. PMID: 19235263 PubMed
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This Fox Chase professor participates in the Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship.
Learn more about Research Volunteering.
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