Material Transfer Agreements

A Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) is a contract that governs the transfer of tangible research materials between two organizations, with the recipient using the materials for his or her own research purposes. Exchange of research materials (e.g., cell lines, clones) promotes collaboration between scientists in both academia and industry.

The MTA defines the rights of the provider, as well as the recipient, with respect to the materials and any derivatives. The most frequently transferred materials are biological materials, such as reagents, cell lines, plasmids and vectors. The MTAs are also used for other types of materials, including chemical compounds, software and mice.

At Fox Chase Cancer Center, the Office of Research & Development Alliances reviews and approves all incoming and outgoing MTAs, to ensure that they conform to Fox Chase’s intellectual property and research policies. Companies interested in either supplying or receiving materials from Fox Chase staff members should contact our office to coordinate the exchange. Academic material transfers are also coordinated by our office. We are committed to expediting these agreements for our researchers with as little "red tape" as possible.

For further information about material transfer agreements at the Center, please contact John McNeill.