Fox Chase Cancer Center News

Study Reveals Gene-Environment Interaction That Increases The Risk Of Mesothelioma

PHILADELPHIA (February 22, 2016) –  Fox Chase Cancer Center – Temple Health researchers provide conclusive evidence that Bap1 is a bona fide tumor suppressor gene that strongly interacts with environmental factors to control the risk of developing malignant mesothelioma and other cancers. The findings, reported February 22nd in Cancer Research, shed light on the recently recognized BAP1 cancer syndrome, paving the way for new early detection and therapeutic strategies for a range of highly aggressive, hard-to-treat cancers.


Fox Chase Surgeon Wins Award in Urology

PHILADELPHIA (February 18, 2016) — Robert G. Uzzo, MD, FACS, a nationally recognized leader in urologic oncology from Fox Chase Cancer Center–Temple Health, is the recent recipient of the 36th Annual Ralph E. Hopkins Jackson Hole Seminar Series in Urology Award.


Solved Protein Structure Holds Key To Much-Needed Therapies For Metabolic Disorder

PHILADELPHIA (February 16, 2016) – Phenylketonuria, also known as PKU, is the most common inherited disease affecting amino acid metabolism. In a study published February 15th in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Fox Chase Cancer Center – Temple Health researchers made tremendous strides toward that goal by shedding new light on the structure of phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH)—the enzyme that is defective in PKU patients.


Understanding How an Anticancer Drug Works Can Pave the Way for Personalized Therapy

PHILADELPHIA (February 16, 2016) – Fox Chase Cancer Center – Temple Health researchers have identified a way forward for personalized cancer treatments for a wide range of cancers by understanding how to stimulate the activity of a potent anticancer protein called TRAIL. ONC201 not only stimulates TRAIL, but also the death receptor for TRAIL on tumor cells.