Mobile Screening Unit

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In partnership with West Pharmaceuticals, the Fox Chase Cancer Center Mobile Screening Unit (MSU) brings cancer screening to our communities. The MSU is the only one of its kind associated with an NCI Comprehensive Cancer Center in the Delaware Valley.

Fox Chase Cancer Center, in partnership with Flyers Charities, has a Mobile Screening Unit (MSU) that brings breast cancer screenings right into the community.

Breast Cancer Screening

Screening refers to tests used to find a disease, like cancer, in people who do not have any symptoms.  The goal of screening is to find cancer before it starts to cause symptoms.

What is a mammogram and why is it important?

A mammogram is an x-ray of the breast.  It helps your doctor find changes in the breast two years before these changes can be felt by a clinical or self-exam.

What happens when you get a mammogram on the MSU?

You will need a prescription from your doctor if you want a mammogram on the MSU. The mammogram is private. The entire process takes about 15 minutes. You and your doctor will receive a result letter within 10 days. Women who require additional care will be referred to a nurse navigator to help with next steps.

Who can get a mammogram on the MSU?

A woman can get a mammogram if she meets the following criteria:

  • Is over the age of 40
  • Has not had a mammogram in the past year
  • Has a prescription from her doctor

A woman can get a mammogram on the MSU even if she doesn't have insurance. We have several programs that can cover your costs.

A woman cannot have a mammogram on the MSU if she:

  • Needs help getting on and off the van (the van has 3 steep steps)
  • Needs help standing for the mammogram (must be able to stand on her own for at least 10 minutes)
  • Has a new breast problem (feels a lump, skin changes or nipple discharge)
  • Was diagnosed with breast cancer within the past 3 years
  • Is currently being treated for breast cancer
  • Is breast feeding or has breast fed within the last 9 months




To learn more about our community screening program, please contact Linda Hammell, Director of the Community Cancer Screening Program at 215-728-3554 or by email at [email protected]