Pancreatic Cancer Patient Stories

Ken Beerger

Ken Beerger

  • Pancreatic Cancer
Ken Beerger

I’ve always had a good appetite, so when I started feeling full after just a few bites of food I knew something was off.

Louise Buttaro

Louise Buttaro

  • Pancreatic Cancer
Louise Buttaro

I’m 75 years old, which is pretty amazing when it comes to surviving pancreatic cancer, especially since I was diagnosed when I was 53.

Initially, when I went in with abdominal pain and trouble eating, my doctor treated me for an ulcer because I didn’t fit the profile for someone with cancer — there was no history of cancer in my family, and I was in good physical shape.

Janice Hudnell

Janice Hudnell-Davis

  • Pancreatic Cancer
Janice Hudnell

In January 2022, I listened to my body, and it may have saved my life. I initially went to the doctor because I had hemorrhoids that had been acting up for about a week. Not only was an over-the-counter medication not working, but I had also noticed a change in the color of my stool. Together, these were red flags that something wasn’t right.

Sandy Jones

Sandy Jones

  • Pancreatic Cancer
Sandy Jones

In September of 2022 I was a healthy retiree, living with my husband and enjoying life. A year later, I am a pancreatic cancer survivor.

Last year, I began to have gastrointestinal issues that concerned me. All of my life, I’ve had issues with going to the bathroom, but my doctors always told me that what might be abnormal for other people might be normal for me.