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New Inpatient Visitor Check-In Process Effective March 10. Learn more here.
The Risk Assessment Program (RAP) is the research component of the clinical services offered via the Department of Clinical Genetics (DCG). Since the onset of clinical genetic testing, Fox Chase has been a leader in this space. All patients undergoing clinical risk assessment and Genetic Testing (GT) seen in the Department of Clinical Genetics are offered participation in the Risk Assessment Program prospective patient database (IRB xxxx-XXX).
Our clinicians and support staff conduct research into how cancer develops, how it can be prevented, and how it can be best treated. Research conducted through RAP has made significant contributions to multiple areas of cancer risk assessment:
The Risk Assessment Program at Fox Chase Cancer Center is a clinical and research service run by the Department of Clinical Genetics that offers education, screening, and counseling to individuals with cancer and those who are at risk of getting cancer.
Since 1991, the Risk Assessment Program (RAP) has enrolled over 15,000 patients donating epidemiologic data and biospecimens to the RAP registry. RAP has established a unique registry of family data, blood, and tissue samples that is used to study the genetic basis of cancer along with the biological, genetic, and environmental factors that influence cancer risk. The RAP at Fox Chase Cancer Center has high risk clinics for Breast and Ovarian, Gastrointestinal Risk Assessment, and Prostate Risk Assessment Program. In these clinics, RAP has research studies for those who are at a higher-than-average risk of cancer through the RAP Registry. More specifically, RAP has a program for those at a higher-than-average risk for prostate cancer in the Prostate Risk Assessment Program (PRAP) study, for those who are at a higher-than-average risk of breast cancer in the Breast Cancer Family Registry (BCFR) and for those at higher-than-average risk of gastrointestinal and other cancers in the Hereditary Cancers Continuity Clinic (HC3)
For more information on your eligibility for these research programs follow this link to learn more: Risk Assessment Study Opportunities | Fox Chase Cancer Center - Philadelphia PA
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