Research Volunteers

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These placements are treated differently than the other volunteer assignments here at Fox Chase. Our research faculty will review and choose applicants to interview whose letters of introduction, CV or resume, and skills fit their requirements.

This is a unique volunteer assignment and it is very competitive.  Unfortunately, we are not able to place every applicant. We will process your application once an assignment has been selected.

To apply as a research volunteer

  • Email the Director of Volunteer Services, Helen Gordon at [email protected]. In the body of the email, include the names of five Fox Chase scientists with whom you would like to volunteer. Start with our list of participating faculty members 
  • Attach a letter of introduction which states your goals, areas of interest, skills, availability and why you chose Fox Chase Cancer Center as a potential volunteer research assignment site. Title this document: (Your name – intro letter). Please visit the research section of our website to read about our research programs.
  • Attach your academic CV – Title this document:  (Your name – CV)